from collections import Counter
input = """\
CH -> B
HH -> N
CB -> H
NH -> C
HB -> C
HC -> B
HN -> C
NN -> C
BH -> H
NC -> B
NB -> B
BN -> B
BB -> N
BC -> B
CC -> N
CN -> C
# with open("2021/day14/data.txt") as fh:
# input =
template_s, rules_s = input.split("\n\n")
# convert template to a count of pairs
# note, we'll have to divide our counts of each char. by 2 later
pair_count = Counter()
for i in range(len(template_s) - 1):
pair_count.update([template_s[i : i + 2]])
rules = {}
for line in rules_s.splitlines():
rule_pair, insert_char = line.split(" -> ")
rules[rule_pair] = insert_char
for step in range(40):
# identify the insertions to do on the pair data before modifications
# create a new counter only of insertions
insert_c = Counter()
for rule_pair, insert_char in rules.items():
insert_amount = pair_count[rule_pair]
if insert_amount > 0:
insert_c.update({rule_pair: -insert_amount})
insert_c.update({rule_pair[0] + insert_char: insert_amount})
insert_c.update({insert_char + rule_pair[1]: insert_amount})
# apply insertions simultaneously
pair_count = pair_count + insert_c
c = Counter()
for (char1, char2), count in pair_count.items():
c.update({char1: count})
c.update({char2: count})
# dealing with leading and trailing character not being part of 2 pairs like ever other
c[template_s[0]] += 1
c[template_s[-1]] += 1
# divide our char. counts by 2 because we count each char twice
print(int(c.most_common()[0][1] / 2 - c.most_common()[-1][1] / 2))
return_value = int(c.most_common()[0][1] / 2 - c.most_common()[-1][1] / 2)