# input = open("2022/day11/test_input.txt").read()
input = open("2022/day11/data.txt").read()
monkey_inputs = input.split("\n\n")
monkeys = {}
for monkey_input in monkey_inputs:
for line in monkey_input.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Monkey "):
monkey = int(line.removeprefix("Monkey ").strip(":"))
elif line.startswith(" Starting items: "):
items_str = line.removeprefix(" Starting items: ").split(",")
items = list(map(int, items_str))
elif line.startswith(" Operation: "):
operation = line.removeprefix(" Operation: new = old ")
operation = operation.replace("old", "item")
elif line.startswith(" Test: "):
test = int(line.removeprefix(" Test: divisible by "))
elif line.startswith(" If true: "):
if_true = int(line.removeprefix(" If true: throw to monkey "))
elif line.startswith(" If false: "):
if_false = int(line.removeprefix(" If false: throw to monkey "))
monkeys[monkey] = {
"items": items,
"operation": operation,
"test": test,
"true": if_true,
"false": if_false,
"inspects": 0,
for round in range(20):
for monkey in monkeys.values():
items = monkey["items"].copy()
for item in items:
# inspect
item = eval(f"item {monkey['operation']}")
# worry level goes down by dividing by 3 after inspect and round down
item //= 3
# test
if item % monkey["test"] == 0:
throw_to = monkey["true"]
throw_to = monkey["false"]
monkey["inspects"] += 1
inspects = sorted([monkey["inspects"] for monkey in monkeys.values()])
print(inspects[-1] * inspects[-2])