from collections import defaultdict
from queue import PriorityQueue
input = """\
input = open("2022/day12/data.txt").read()
def get_adjacent(x, y):
yield (x + 1, y)
yield (x - 1, y)
yield (x, y + 1)
yield (x, y - 1)
nodes = defaultdict(lambda: float("inf"))
for y, line in enumerate(input.splitlines()):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
if char == "S":
start = (x, y)
nodes[(x, y)] = ord("a")
elif char == "E":
end = (x, y)
nodes[(x, y)] = ord("z")
nodes[(x, y)] = ord(char)
# create a graph from the nodes
G = {}
for pos, height in list(nodes.items()):
# can be at most one higher, otherwise blocked, e.g. m -> n is okay, but m -> o is blocked
# edges are all equal
x, y = pos
conn_nodes = set()
for x_a, y_a in get_adjacent(*pos):
if nodes[(x_a, y_a)] <= height + 1:
conn_nodes.add((x_a, y_a))
G[pos] = conn_nodes
def dijkstra(G, start, end):
# where cost is always 1
visited = set()
cost = {start: 0}
parent = {start: None}
todo = PriorityQueue()
todo.put((0, start))
while todo:
while not todo.empty():
_, vert = todo.get() # finds lowest cost vertex
# loop until we get a fresh vertex
if vert not in visited:
else: # if todo ran out
break # quit main loop
if vert == end:
for neighbor in G[vert]:
if neighbor in visited:
old_cost = cost.get(neighbor, float("inf"))
new_cost = cost[vert] + 1
if new_cost < old_cost:
todo.put((new_cost, neighbor))
cost[neighbor] = new_cost
parent[neighbor] = vert
return parent
# need to traverse parent to get the path
def make_path(parent, end):
if end not in parent:
return None
v = end
path = []
while v is not None: # root has null parent
v = parent[v]
return path[::-1]
start_nodes = [n for n, height in nodes.items() if height == ord("a")]
shortest_path = {}
for s in start_nodes:
parent = dijkstra(G, s, end)
path = make_path(parent, end)
if path is not None:
shortest_path[s] = len(path)
print(shortest_path[min(shortest_path, key=shortest_path.get)] - 1)